IRS Correspondence
IRS correspondence comes for a variety of reasons. We have experience and resources to help you address this correspondence. Through our advisory services you will understand exactly what the IRS is requesting and your choices to respond. Then, we represent you and correspond with the IRS until the issue is resolved.
Dealing with the government can take time. Responses from the IRS can take months and resolution can take just as long. We are with you until the resolution is reached, no matter how long it may take.
Additional Tax Owed
Some correspondence indicates additional taxes are owed. This could be a result of many different situations. The IRS may have changed the income or expenses you reported. The IRS may have changed a credit taken or the amount of tax reported as paid. In all cases, the IRS may be correct or they may be wrong. Our experience can help determine this and either respond or give you other recommendations.
Interest and Penalties
Many types of correspondence from the IRS impose interest and penalties. Any corrections that can be made will reduce those amounts and in some cases we can ask for those penalties to be removed. Alternatively, in some cases it may be less costly to pay these amounts. Interest is required by federal law and cannot be removed, but we can require interest be properly calculated. Setup an advisory session if you receive this type of correspondence.
Late Payments or Payments Missing
Some correspondence indicates payments were received late, or even never received. The IRS has a variety of notices that are generated by computers and may not reflect what really happens. Unfortunately, even if you are right, failing to address the correspondence may cost more later to fix. Give us the facts and we can write correspondence to respond.
Threatened Tax Lien or Funds Drafted
The IRS always sends correspondence prior to threatening a lien or taking money from your bank account. There are situations where you may not have received the earlier correspondence or you may have misplaced the correspondence. If you are in this situation, you may still have choices. Setup an advisory session and let us help you determine your options.
Other Correspondence
There are many types of correspondence the IRS creates and sends. If you have received some other type of correspondence, chances are we are familiar with it. Setup and advisory session with us and we can help.