Compiled Financial Statements
Compiled financial statements provide no assurance and the CPA indicates the statements have been compiled based on your information and that no assurance is provided to the user. As a consequence the cost of a compilation is less than various forms of attest work. However, quality control processes are just important as with attest work and a CPA firm still must sucessfully complete a peer review process to perform this work.
Useful Alternatives to Audits and Reviews
Compilations are useful alternatives to audits and reviews if your requirements allow this type of financial statement report. We can help you discuss with your lenders, bond agencies and grantors the possibility of using compiled financial statements for your purposes.
A CPA firm may be independent to provide compiled financial statements, but is not required to be independent.
Higher Quality Control Standards
We offer audited financials, reviewed financials and compiled financials. You will benefit from our broad array of financial statement experience and our high levels of quality control processes, unlike CPA firms that may only provide compiled financial statements. Reach out to us with your financial statement needs so that we can help you determine what level of service you need.